Access to university over 25

Picture of Miguel Ángel Pollino

Miguel Ángel Pollino

Coordinator of LegalSpain

The access test for people over 25 years of age also allows you to obtain the equivalent of a baccalaureate if it is what you need for a job or an opposition. The requirements for this test vary depending on each university, but in general, it is required to be at least 25 years old in the year of the test and not have any previous study that gives access to the university.

The university entrance test for people over 25 years of age is a way to obtain a baccalaureate degree in Spain. This test is aimed at people over the age of 25 who do not have baccalaureate and allows them to access a university degree or a training cycle of Intermediate Level or Higher Level of Vocational Training.

In Spain, the institutions that offer access to university for people over 25 years of age maintain a similar structure for the tests. These are divided into two phases: a general phase and a specific phase.


Access to university over 25 years

This test was introduced in Spain in 1971 and allows direct access to university studies to those who do not have the necessary qualifications for university admission. This means that, if at any given time a person wishes to complete their training with a higher degree, they can do so by only passing this test, without having to go through other educational stages beforehand.

The test is made up of two parts, a common part that is the same for all students, and a specific part that varies depending on the career you want to study, that is, you will not have to prepare the same subjects in the specific part if you want to study a degree in medicine than if you want to study a degree in law.

Each university establishes its own entrance test for people over 25 years of age. The criteria between universities are usually similar, so a more or less general preparation can be carried out and practice with previous exams. The best preparation academy for these tests that currently exists is Academia M25. In this post, you will find more information about the test.


M25 Academy

Are you thinking of preparing for the Access Tests for Over 25s? M25 Academy is your place. It is an academy specialized in the preparation of these tests with a lot of experience and a digital platform that has no comparison in the current market.

They offer an online preparation, which is ideal for the student profile that prepares this type of test. Don’t waste time traveling: study from where you want and how you want.

Their courses do not have timetables, which allows each student to follow their own pace. They adapt their contents to each particular case, offering the best possible preparation to access any degree at any university.

It has a network of professors who offer continuous and complete support, and its materials, in addition to being original, are the most complete than those currently offered anywhere else. That is why Academia M25 is the leading academy in preparing for these tests.



In conclusion, the university entrance exam for people over 25 years of age is a way of directly accessing university studies in Spain for people over 25 years of age who do not have a bachelor’s degree. This test is divided into two phases, a general phase and a specific phase, and each university has its own structure. Finally, Academia M25 is the best academy for preparing for these tests and allows you to study from anywhere and at any time.

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