Specialties of the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training

Picture of Miguel Ángel Pollino

Miguel Ángel Pollino

Coordinator of LegalSpain

The Master’s Degree in Teacher Training is a university postgraduate program whose main objective is to train future teachers for their insertion in the educational field. In general, this master’s degree is aimed at those students who have obtained a bachelor’s degree or university degree in a specific discipline and wish to complement their academic training to be able to teach in Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching.

The Master’s Degree in Teacher Training is one of the most popular university programs in Spain due to its great demand and the numerous employment opportunities it offers in the field of teaching. Although there are many official master’s degrees available, the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training stands out for its high demand and for providing some job stability. In this post, we will see some of the specialties of the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training.

Do you know what the specialties of the Teacher Training Master are? If you don’t know yet, don’t worry, as in this article we will address this topic. Many times, when choosing a teacher training master’s degree, we have questions about which specialty to choose and whether this choice can affect our chances of getting a job.

It is important to highlight that the different specialties of the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training vary depending on the needs and demands of each Autonomous Community. However, there are basic specialties that do not vary, such as Spanish Language and Literature, Mathematics, Physical Education and Foreign Language, among others.


Specialties of the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training

If you are interested in taking a Master’s in Teacher Training, the first thing you should do is find out about the different specialties available in each Autonomous Community. Many universities provide a list of the qualifications required to access each speciality, although these criteria may vary.

It is important to keep in mind that the specialty itself is not as relevant as the university degree that is possessed. When selecting a candidate to teach certain subjects, the university degree they have is checked, not necessarily the specialty of the Teacher Training Master they have chosen.

In the case of oppositions, the university degrees that the candidate has and the master’s degree in general are taken into account, not necessarily the specialty that he has studied. Next, we show a list of examples of specialties of the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training:


  • Plastic and Visual Arts
  • Biology and geology
  • Economics and Business Administration
  • Physical education
  • Philosophy
  • Physics and chemistry
  • Training and career counseling
  • Geography and History
  • Informatic and tecnology
  • Spanish Language and Literature
  • classical languages
  • Foreign Languages: German, French, English, Italian
  • Math
  • Music
  • Educational orientation



In conclusion, the Master’s or Master’s Degree in Teacher Training is a very popular university program in Spain due to its high demand and the numerous job opportunities it offers in the field of teaching. The specialties of the Teacher Training Master vary according to the needs and demands of each Autonomous Community, although there are some basic specialties that do not vary. It is important to bear in mind that, although the choice of specialty is important, the most relevant thing is the university degree that is held when opting for certain subjects. In short, the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training can provide a good opportunity for those who wish to train as teachers and have a stable job in the field of education.

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