What are qualifying master’s degrees?

Picture of Miguel Ángel Pollino

Miguel Ángel Pollino

Coordinator of LegalSpain

Qualifying master’s degrees are offered in areas such as medicine, nursing, psychology, dentistry, social work, education, law, engineering, architecture, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, child nursing, and nutrition, among others. These programs are available at different universities throughout Spain, which allows those interested to access a quality program in their area of residence.

Qualifying master’s degrees are postgraduate training programs aimed at acquiring an official academic title that, once obtained, allows holders to access certain regulated professions. These programs are backed by the Public Administration and their objective is to accredit specific training and sufficient knowledge, aptitudes and skills to practice certain professions.

Qualifying master’s degrees are designed to provide graduates with specific training and sufficient knowledge, aptitudes and skills to practice certain professions. In addition, graduates obtain an official academic title that allows them to enter a regulated profession. However, it must be taken into account that access to some regulated professions also requires compliance with other requirements, such as passing selective tests.

Regarding the requirements to access a qualifying master’s degree, those interested must have a previous university degree related to the area of knowledge in which they wish to enroll. In addition, it is necessary to have an adequate level of knowledge in the area of study to pass the exams.


What degrees require a master’s degree?


Degrees that allow you to be a secondary school teacher

To be a teacher in an institute it is also essential to have a Master’s degree in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate teachers. This specialization can be done regardless of the university degree you have completed, as long as it is not Early Childhood or Primary Education. The master’s degree lasts one year and prepares you to teach in schools.


Law Degree

If your goal is to become a lawyer, now it is necessary to take a master’s degree to access the legal profession. This qualification lasts a year and a half, during which you must carry out compulsory practices and pass a final exam. There are many universities that offer double programs, where you can expand your knowledge in various areas, such as tax advice, international law or business law. The choice of specialty is at your discretion.


Engineering Degrees

There are several Engineering for which it is necessary to have a qualifying master’s degree to practice as an engineer. This is the case of Aeronautical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mining Engineering, Forestry Engineering, Naval and Ocean Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering.


Psychology Degree

The Master in General Health Psychology allows you to practice as a general health psychologist in the private sector and in the general health field. This master’s degree lasts between a year and a half and two years, including internships, and the only thing that would not allow us would be to work in the National Health System. If we wanted to work, in the National Health System, we would need to take the PIR (Internal Resident Psychologist) exam.


Professions that require a qualifying master’s degree in Spain

The following professions require a master’s degree to be carried out in Spain:

Agricultural engineer
Aeronautic engineer
Civil engineer
Mine engineer
Industrial Engineer
Mountain engineer
Naval and Ocean Engineer
Telecommunication engineer
Chief Engineer of the Merchant Navy
General Health Psychologist
Teacher of ESO, Baccalaureate, FP or languages



In conclusion, qualifying master’s degrees are postgraduate training programs that provide graduates with specific training and the knowledge, aptitudes and skills necessary to practice certain regulated professions. Qualifying master’s degrees are available at various universities and study areas in Spain, and to access them it is necessary to have a previous university degree related to the area of study and have an adequate level of knowledge in that area.

In addition, access to some regulated professions may require passing selective tests in addition to the title obtained in the qualifying master’s degree. Do you need help choosing your studies? LegalSpain is an agency specialized in advising students from all over the world in choosing the studies that are best for them. Write us and we will help you!

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