5 Advantages of studying at a private university

Picture of Miguel Ángel Pollino

Miguel Ángel Pollino

Coordinator of LegalSpain

If you are thinking of studying at a private university or have doubts about whether you should do it, this post is for you. The choice of the university where we want to carry out our studies is something very important. If you can choose between a public or private university, surely you have asked yourself: What can a private university offer me? To answer the question, it is convenient that you know the advantages that each option offers you.

In our experience, there are many options to obtain a university degree. As to which is better, you will have to decide for yourself. Here are 5 advantages of studying at a private university:


1. Admission requirements

It may be that some private universities have lower entrance requirements than public universities. Due to their internal functioning, they often have their own selection tests, a fact that allows them to enter careers for which a very high grade is required in the public system.


2. Comfort

Private universities have classes with fewer students than there are in public universities. That makes the classes more dynamic and more usable. It will also facilitate a closer relationship with teachers. Learning will be more effective, there will be higher performance among students and time will not be wasted. Think about how many doubts can arise in a group of 60 people and how many in a group of 20. There is no comparison!


3. Modern facilities

Private universities have modern facilities, equipped with the latest technologies, which allows you to study more comfortably and obtain better performance. It is one of the limitations of public education: they often do not have the tools or the facilities for students to carry out their practices and projects adequately.

The campuses of private universities are very well cared for and have different types of state-of-the-art facilities that make university life develop in a different way. Also, if you are thinking of studying a university degree that requires the use of laboratories, a private university will always have all the necessary technology so that the practical content of the degree is given in the best possible way.


4. Prestige

Private universities, as they are self-financing, have created their own reputation over the years, many of them ranking among the best universities in the country.

For some jobs, recruiters set the fact of having studied at certain private universities as an added value criterion. This will certainly enable you to apply for often well-paying jobs that might otherwise have been unattainable.


5. Work outings

One of the clearest advantages of a private university is the business network that is created around it. Many universities have agreements with different companies so that their students can apply for internship positions in companies and later for jobs.

The fact of being able to start building your professional career very early is a clear advantage that will make your CV much more attractive and your profile competitive in your sector.



Studying at a private university can provide us with very interesting advantages such as proximity to professors, comfort in classes, state-of-the-art facilities, and easier access to the job market successfully.

If you can afford to study at a private university, it is worth considering the option.

Do you want us to advise you on which private university is the best fit for you? Write us!

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