The highest cut-off marks in Catalonia

Picture of Miguel Ángel Pollino

Miguel Ángel Pollino

Coordinator of LegalSpain

In Spain, the cut-off marks are established each year based on the average score obtained by the students who have applied for admission to the course or university in question. This score comes from the average obtained in high school and the grade obtained in the university entrance exams. The cut-off marks are published on the website of the Ministry of Education and on the websites of the universities and study centers.

Have you ever wondered what are the highest cut-off marks in Catalonia? In this post we will present the updated highest cut-off marks in Catalonia.

The cut-off marks are the access marks of the last candidate admitted to a university degree at a public institution. This means that the cut-off grade is the minimum grade that a candidate must obtain to be accepted into a specific study program.

The cut-off marks are used by public universities to establish a minimum limit for the entrance marks for certain degrees. These grades are determined by the number of places available in a particular study program and are not related to the difficulty of the selected course.

Students who reach this limit will have the possibility to enroll in the desired university and degree. In Catalonia there is a wide variety of university degrees available, so the cut-off score can vary greatly from one to another.

Although the cut-off marks are not related to the difficulty of the selected course, it is evident that the highest are those that require a practically perfect level of excellence in high school studies and in the results of the university entrance exams.

In this article we want to show you which are the 10 highest cut-off scores in Catalonia for the year 2022.


The highest cut-off marks in Catalonia

1. Double degree in Mathematics and Physics (UB). 13,346

2. Double degree in Mathematics and Physics (UAB). 13,338

3. Degree in Mathematics (UPC). 13,114

4. Degree in Medicine (UB). 13,022

5. Degree in International Economics and Business Studies (UPF). 12,956

6. Double degree in Mathematics and Computer Engineering (UB). 12,899

7. Double degree in Biotechnology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (URV). 12,792

8. Degree in Engineering in Aerospace Technologies (UPC). 12,790

9. Degree in Biomedical Sciences (UAB). 12,781

10. Degree in Physics Engineering (UPC). 12,760



In summary, in Catalonia (and in Spain), there is a great variety of university degrees available, so the cut-off score can vary greatly from one to another. In this article, the 10 highest cut-off marks in Catalonia in 2022 are mentioned, with degrees in mathematics and physics, medicine, biotechnology, among others, and it is known that the highest cut-off marks are those that require a level of excellence practically perfect in the baccalaureate studies and in the results of the university entrance exams.

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