Information about The Distance University of Madrid (UDIMA)

Picture of Miguel Ángel Pollino

Miguel Ángel Pollino

Coordinator of LegalSpain

If, due to needs or preferences, you would like to study a Spanish university degree remotely, UDIMA can provide it for you. It is a 100% online university, with an exceptional virtual campus, where you will have professors and classmates just a click away. In addition, the exams can be taken at 31 locations throughout the world, facilitating student mobility.

Information about the Distance University of Madrid (UDIMA)

The Distance University of Madrid (UDIMA) is a private online university in Spain that offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses. It was formed in 2006 from the Center for Financial Studies (CEF) and began its teaching activities in the 2008-2009 academic year. The campus and main headquarters of UDIMA is located in the Madrid town of Collado Villalba. In this post, you will find information about the Distance University of Madrid.

It has obtained positive verification of the official study plans for degrees, Master’s and Doctorate degrees submitted to the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and has been authorized by the General Directorate of Universities for the implementation of the titles.

Their online training is carried out through the use of the latest information and communication technologies. He stands out in studies of Finance, Education and Psychology.


Advantages of studying at UDIMA

  • It is online, so it can be combined with other activities anywhere in the world.
  • Its teacher and community system is very well focused on eliminating the face-to-face aspect.
  • Private and personalized tutors, to do a complete follow-up
  • You can take the semester exams at one of its locations, spread over 18 Spanish cities and 13 in the rest of the world, ranging from Hong Kong to Miami.
  • Great professional opportunities, with business agreements when the study is finished.


Careers and studies offered by UDIMA

Currently, 29 degrees are offered, among which are studies in the Humanities (History), Social Sciences (Economics), Health Sciences (Psychology) or Engineering (Computer Engineering) branches. You can see all the updated studies on their website.

On master’s and postgraduate degrees, there are more than 30 studies that it offers. Some, such as the Master’s Degree in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, are in high demand.


Prices and academic fees of the UDIMA

Average prices for the first year in university degrees (60 ECTS credits) are around €4,800. Each studio has different prices. To see more information, you can see this link.



UDIMA admission criteria

  • European and International Baccalaureate: UNEDasiss Credential
  • Non-European Baccalaureate: Bach homologation + Certified copy of the academic certificate that accredits the modality and the qualification obtained in each of the subjects studied in the baccalaureate studies of origin + In certain cases the University may condition access to a test that accredits the basic knowledge necessary to study the degree, especially in the field of engineering and access to the Master’s Degree in Primary Education.


UDIMA contact details

Scholarships at the UDEMA

The Distance University of Madrid has a scholarship system that can be applied for.


Opinions of the UDIMA

5/5 Ana Rey: “I started some law courses at the same time that I was studying law at another university. The teachers are super attentive to your progress so that you understand things, they explain the activities to you, what is right and wrong so that you have an idea on exam day. For which I only have good words for this university, I wish the prices were a little more affordable or there were discounts once you pass the first registration, otherwise perfect!”

5/5 Angie O.A.: “I only have good words for UDIMA. I have completed an online master’s degree that has helped me get the job I wanted. The experience with UDIMA has been positive from start to finish, from enrollment to final exams, going through all the activities and intermediate evaluations. It is a demanding university, if you think that for ‘paying’ they are going to give you the degree, it doesn’t work that way and I’m glad for it. You have to work, but your staff (academic, teaching, administrative…) will be of great help and they will be very attentive to you. They are also a 10 in organization, with the exams I had a health problem and I am extremely grateful to the staff from Madrid who moved to Barcelona for their facilitation at all times given my situation.”

5/5 Joaquín Guerrero Trujillo: “Magnificent experience, I am a Graduate in Psychology and I can only recommend Udima. Excellent University, very demanding but very close. I recommend it because they combine excellence with closeness. It is very good for people who combine studies and work. Now I’m starting a Master’s degree with them and I’m very excited.”

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