Information about the Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV)

Picture of Miguel Ángel Pollino

Miguel Ángel Pollino

Coordinator of LegalSpain

La Universidad Francisco de Vitoria es experta en desarrollo del talento personal y su reto es formar profesionales que sean capaces de cambiar la sociedad. Por ese motivo, enseñan a los alumnos a integrar los conocimientos de su profesión, a potenciar sus dones, sus habilidades y sus talentos y a seguir su conciencia, para así lograr que cada alumno haga una contribución única al mundo.

Information about the Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV)

The Francisco de Vitoria University is a private university located in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Community of Madrid). It began in 1993 as a university center attached to the Complutense University of Madrid to become, years later, a fully-fledged private university. He teaches undergraduate, postgraduate and higher degree courses. In this post you will find information about The Francisco de Vitoria University.

It is currently a Catholic university, administered by Regnum Christi. According to different studies and rankings, it is valued as one of the best private universities in Spain. The UFV is also among the 10 Spanish universities best valued by its students.

During her years of teaching, she has obtained different awards and recognitions that make her one of the most interesting options for pursuing university studies. Some examples:

  • 1st private university in Madrid in Research and 4th in Spain.
  • Best private university in Spain to study Biotechnology.
  • Employability rate of 93%.
  • More than 30% of its students enjoy a scholarship.
  • It stands out in the degrees of Medicine, Biotechnology and Pharmacy.


Careers and studies offered by the Francisco de Vitoria University

The training offer is very wide, and ranges from undergraduate studies to Leadership Schools, International Schools or Language Courses. Next, we indicate the two most requested services:

  • They currently have 53 degrees among their 7 faculties. Some of them are ADE, ADE + International Relations, Bilingual ADE + Marketing, ADE + Law, Architecture, Fine Arts, Fine Arts + Design, Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Business Analytics…You can see more studies at this link.
  • Master’s and postgraduate courses offered. Master’s in Business Analytics & Big Data, Master’s in Luxury Industry, Master’s in People Management and Organizational Behavior, Master’s in Marketing… You can see more at this link.


Prices and academic fees for UFV degrees

This university costs depending on the degree to study. The degree of experimentalism, laboratories, practices and others cause there to be a variability of prices. The expense of a degree in humanities is not the same as in science. Payment is every month and it’s established between 700 and 950 euros. There is an initial payment of about 1,000 to 2,000 euros, depending on the studio. The average price for the first year (60 ECTS credits) would be around €10,200. You can see more information at this link.



Admission criteria to the Francisco de Vitoria University

  • For students with a European and International Baccalaureate: UNED credential + Photocopy of Bach notes + Skills test + English test + Personal interview + Additional specific tests (Fine Arts, Fine Arts + Design, Design and Design + Advertising: artistic and creative test. // Journalism, Journalism + Audiovisual Communication and Journalism + International Relations: writing test (we will give the topic to be developed and the material for its realization)).
  • For students with a Non-European Baccalaureate: Bach homologation + Photocopy of Bach degree + Photocopy of Bach grades + Skills test + English test + Personal interview + Additional specific tests (Fine Arts, Fine Arts + Design, Design and Design + Advertising: artistic test and creative. // Journalism, Journalism + Audiovisual Communication and Journalism + International Relations: writing test (we will give the topic to be developed and the material for its realization).


UFV contact details


Opinions of the Francisco de Vitoria University

5/5 Andrés Besada: “I was certainly not wrong in choosing this university!! They are very focused on the person, his personal situations, they give you any ease and flexibility you need, for example, when it comes to working or complementing it with any other activity. An incredible campus, food trucks, sports center, soccer fields, cafeterias, Telepizza, Rodilla, etc. Great to enjoy with your classmates!”

5/5 Ángel García Rodríguez: “I was very pleasantly surprised by the Campus concept, aimed at integrating teaching with all kinds of activities. Study spaces, classes, offer of careers with eminently practical content and oriented to prepare future Degrees for their integration into the world of work. Personalized treatment and guidance for new students. Prioritization of values. The first impression has been absolutely favorable and I would like my children to value it and to be able to consider the option of pursuing their university studies here. Thanks to Marta and Sofia for their professionalism and treatment, professionals like them, in love with their work, I would like to have them on my team.”

5/5 Laura Gómez: “I completed my Master’s Degree in Secondary School Teacher in the 2018/2019 academic year, and it has been one of the best experiences of my life. The Master is well organized in terms of schedules, communications, and the teaching staff is unbeatable, since they are dedicated to helping you, not only so that you get the most out of the course, but also to prepare you for the profession with all kinds of resources and materials. The class schedule also allows you to reconcile with another work activity or personal life. I am considering taking another Master in the medium term and I am very clear that I want it to be at the UFV, since they transmit their vocation and passion for teaching like no other.”


UFV Scholarships

The UFV has an extensive system of university scholarships, grants and discounts that allows more than 30% of its students to enjoy one of them, thus being able to access one of the most prestigious private universities in Madrid. Grants, scholarships and discounts are requested through the Candidate Portal (for newly admitted students) or the University Portal (for students already enrolled at UFV). It must be done within the deadlines established for this purpose, entering the username and password and following the instructions described there.

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